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Day: January 9, 2016

Michael, get yur hands off ma gurl!

Albuming Podcast: Thriller

 by Philip Airson, November 2015 Listen below and let us know what you think.. http://www.saltangelblue.co.uk/assets/albuming—thriller.mp3  

Under the Hood
Behind the Scenes

Under the hood for September 2015

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Hi everyone!
Behind the Scenes

The October 2015 team

 Kris Makuch, Editor in Chief, Watcher of Doctor Foster  Ashley Berriman, Marketing, Co-watcher of Doctor Foster  Philip Airson, Contributor, Albuming  Josh Makuch, Contributor, The tattered dreams of an aspiring time traveller  Andrew Lumsden, User

breaking the fourth wall

Breaking the fourth wall

 by Ben Carson, October 2015 The phrase “breaking the fourth wall” is used in theatre to refer to an actor who acknowledges the audience, shattering

life as a military wife
Real Life

Life as a military wife

 by Eden Milne, October 2015 I’ve not exactly been a military wife for long but I am and it’s a huge part of me. TV

Secrets of App production

HITC Sports App: Behind the scenes

 by Rob Sparks, October 2015 Our site, HITC.com, is dedicated to delivering the best sport coverage from our writers and around the web. Translating our

Bloody, bloody mary's!

Hotbox BBQ Bar and Grill Food Review

 by Ashley Berriman, October 2015 A Bloody Mary fans dream. I just love me some brunch. And it feels like I’ve been waiting ages to